Sasho Blazeski: “The worst thing an artist can do is be a member of a political party”
Macedonian poet and playwright Sasho Blazeski talks to Ivanka Apostolova Baskar about his play Rockers and how a way of life can be an act of rebellion
Macedonian poet and playwright Sasho Blazeski talks to Ivanka Apostolova Baskar about his play Rockers and how a way of life can be an act of rebellion
Croatian theatremaker Pavlica Bajsić Brazzoduro on the development of her particular model of radiophonic theatre and the power of sound
Žiga Divjak, one of Slovenia’s most in-demand young directors, on why we need to change our thinking about climate change.
Laibach on their show Wir sind das Volk, based on the work of Heiner Müller, the relationship between the military, music and theatre, and the art of provocation
Theatre director Dejan Angelov on the insular, nepotistic and closed world of Macedonian theatre and how things need to change.
Oliver Frljić on theatre’s response to the war in Ukraine, the concept of ‘character, and making his return to the Croatian theatre scene.
Yllka Gashi is the star of Blerta Basholli’s acclaimed film Hive, based on the inspiring true story of Fahrije Hoti, on the responsibility that comes with portraying a real person on screen and the women that inspire her.
Eva Kamchevska on being an ’emerging’ artist in North Macedonia and the absence of contemporary national plays.
Croatian playwright Ivor Martinić on his search for artistic autonomy, playing the Author on stage, and how collaboration is one of the founding principles of his work.
Actress, director and producer Ema Andrea talks about the realities of working as an independent artist in Albania.