2022 Talia e Flakës festival successfully held in Gjilan
Despite climbing numbers of Covid-19 cases and new restrictions, the Talia e Flakës festival, intended to promote Albanian drama, was held in Gjilan, Kosovo, over six-days in January.
Despite climbing numbers of Covid-19 cases and new restrictions, the Talia e Flakës festival, intended to promote Albanian drama, was held in Gjilan, Kosovo, over six-days in January.
Dino Mustafic explodes Goethe’s Faust in a vibrant, penetrating and highly physical production at Tirana’s National Experimental Theater
Altin Basha’s staging of Shakespeare’s play for the National Theatre of Albania favours spectacle and sword-play over subtlety.
The National Theatre of Albania’s decision to present an ‘artistic reading’ of Besim Levonja’s communist-era comedy Prefekti (The Prefect) sparked controversy. Flamur Dardeshi explores the reasons why.
Director Blerta Neziraj turns the theatre into the sea in a potent production of Jeton Neziraj’s play for Gjilan City Theater