Tom Mustroph works in Berlin and Palermo as a freelance journalist and dramaturg. He operates in several journalistic fields, such as theatre, fine arts and sports. He is most interested in how self-responsible work can succeed elegantly and in accordance to minimal moral standards. He collaborates with several German language publications such as taz, FAZ, Neues Deutschland, NZZ, Theater der Zeit, zeit online, Deutschlandfunk and WDR.
After almost 17 years of making work underground, Belarus Free Theatre has been forced to leave their home country because it was no longer safe. Tom Mustroph spoke to co-director Natalia Kaliada and company manager Svetlana Sugako about the reasons they felt it necessary to escape – and their future plans.
Mateja Koležnik’s production of The Crucible (Hexenjagd) is currently being presented by the Berliner Ensemble. Tom Mustroph talks to the director about the political climate in Slovenia and why we now live in the digital Middle Ages.